Wednesday, March 18, 2015

California Gas Pump Tax: “Anger” by Stereo Thesis

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In a state like California, where we’re constantly teeter on the verge of bankruptcy, it’s a shame that so much money gets collected from taxes at the gas pump, but somehow we have a reputation for some of the world’s worst roads and highways. Here’s what the state of California and the federal government takes in from each gallon of gas and what the price of a gallon of gas costs as of February 5, 2015.

Knowing what I know from my experience of driving on the roads in southern California, this tax money should be used to improve road development, expand highways, and change traffic systems to make road travel faster and more efficient. But instead we can be sure that both levels of government are wasting this money for other projects and lining the pockets of their largest political donors.

Living in California is already expensive with its high cost of living, high sales and property taxes, and the highest prices for gas, so isn’t it fun to imagine a cancelation of state and federal taxes on gasoline and a $0.50 reduction in the price of gas. This would make the price of gas $2/gallon the norm. Can you think of how you would use those savings at the pump by reducing or eliminating the gas tax?

Seeing how much money was siphoned off each gallon of gas got me angry and compelled me to write these thoughts down. Anger is a powerful emotion when it’s combined with intelligence and planning because it can inspire others to act and provide direction for a cause.

In terms of music, here’s a track called “Anger” from the album Mixacord by Stereo Thesis that best illustrates how the emotion of anger can be communicated in sound. It’s a short piece, but very effective.

To listen to “Anger” by Stereo Thesis…click here.


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