Saturday, January 5, 2013

Artists in the Limelight: How to Detect Attention Addicts and Psychic Vampires


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“Beware of people who are suddenly thrown into the limelight through no talent of their own. They develop this ghastly drive to cuddle with stars and artists, and therefore reflect rather than generate light.”

- David Bowie, May 2008 edition of W Magazine


Who are these people who are suddenly thrown into the limelight? Where are they found, who finds them, and why are they put into the limelight? Moreover, why is it that they weren’t able to arrive in the limelight on their own talent? While these questions will not be directly addressed in this article they are important questions to ask in order to gain some insight into what kind of person we are talking about. There are two kinds of people that I will talk about in order to establish a basis for conversation with you and they are: the attention addict and the psychic vampire.

The Attention Addict and the Psychic Vampire

Obviously the kind of person who would want to be thrown into the limelight despite a non-existent or lack of talent is a person desperate for attention from others. Crowds of adoring fans lining up to see you in a performance would be a great temptation for someone who craves attention. And the temptation will be worst for an attention addict, which is a person who seeks a steady stream of attention from others regardless who those others are. 

Aside from the attention addict, the psychic vampire (of all varieties) goes a step further by attempting to live off the life force of others. Instead of thriving on the attention of others, the psychic vampire drains energy or vitality from those they surround themselves with. In the case of the attention addict the effect on others is usually minimal.
 However, with people who enjoy living vicariously (spectators) through others, they generally benefit from a relationship with an attention addict. For example, some movie stars and celebrities are major attention addicts and spectators love to see them in films playing roles that the general audience can relate to. You also find spectators and attention addicts pairing up as friends, so that you find a group of girls where one is wild and often the center of attention, while the others are subdued and pale by comparison. Often you’ll also find an attention addict or psychic vampire in a crowd of spectators seeking out opportunities to exploit a new victim.
With the psychic vampire though the essential quality of the relationship is one of give, give, give and take, take, take where only one party benefits from the exchange. Other varieties of psychic vampires include the emotional vampire, the sexual vampire, and the energy vampire. Therefore, the effect the psychic vampire has on others is leaving them with a feeling of being drained, exhausted, unfocused, or depressed.
Artists in the Limelight
Dealing with the attention addict and the psychic vampire is such an important problem for artists and other talented individuals to beware of. These two types of individuals seek out opportunities to be near them, so there’s a hidden, and sometimes not so hidden, danger when it comes to allowing others to enter into your circle of influence. What is it that they want from you? What are they offering in the form of their friendship? Is there an ulterior motive? If so, what is it? Although each case is unique, in almost every instance I would say that what they desire is either money or admiration. Money is self-explanatory, but admiration is vaguer.
As far as money is concerned, the parasite that comes for your money will do so with a lawsuit, an offering of drugs, sexual gratification, threats of violence, and blackmail. But when it comes to admiration, the attention addict and the psychic vampire want you to send them admiration. Part of the underlying idea for them is take greatness from the one whom others consider great. The attention addict and the psychic vampire both want to reduce the artist, the talented, and the star into a slave or prisoner. When they use an admiration trap to capture your affections your experience of these people is usually in the context of criminal activities, drug use, suppressive friendships, violence, petty disagreements, and dysfunctional relationships.  All of this occurs because of vulnerability on your part to trust others from the get-go.
One basic mechanism you can put in place to counteract this vulnerability is to learn how to screen everyone who comes into your circle of influence. You must learn this skill and know it cold, teach others this skill, or hire someone to perform the screening process for you. The essence of the screening process is to set standards of behavior for those you associate with and to enforce those standards by establishing a kind of moral code for your group. The fastest way to put this process to work immediately is to create a battery of interview questions for your screeners. The list of questions can be short, long, or tailored to a specific time and context. Whatever the case may be your screeners must know 2 things about you and the people you are willing to bring into your sphere of influence and that is: what it is you want and what it is you don’t want. In other words, what qualities of character are you looking for and what flaws in character do you want to avoid.
To help you learn the screening process and its associated skills, check out these 3 interviews and 3 books by using the links provided:


Frame Control & Subcommunications – listen to the first 10 minutes for FREE.

Qualification – listen to the first 10 minutes for FREE.

Direct Game – listen to the first 10 minutes for FREE.


Who’s Pulling Your Strings?

Science of Survival

Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them: When Loving Hurts and You Don't Know Why 

[Note: This book is written from the perspective of the female, but if you simply reorient the focus of this book to the male point of view then much of the material will also apply to men in their relationships with women.]


Reflect or Absorption of Light? 

By definition, “to reflect” means to give or send something back. So do the attention addict and psychic vampire reflect or absorb the light of artists and other creative professionals? Since the nature of the relationship with them is always one of give, give, give and take, take, take the bottom line then is that they absorb or consume the light of others.  

The difficulty with generating light is that one must carefully cultivate it from a small creative spark within and grow it. But the problem with possessing the light of a creative professional is that others attempt to remove it from you on the basis that it can be acquired or absorbed by them via proximity or osmosis. They feel on some level that creativity, talent, fame, and fortune can rub off on them, but only if they can get close enough to you and in some cases inside you. In many ways this belief is similar to that of the primitive man who kills an animal for food and believes that the qualities, characteristics, or power of the animal that he’s eating will somehow transfer over into him. Essentially, the attention addict and the psychic vampire practice a cannibalistic idea that drives their very existence.


Beware of those who seek to cuddle with artists. Learn to screen and detect the attention addict and psychic vampire among your people. Prevent them from entering your circle of influence or root them out and abolish them once detected. Preserve and nurture your creative spark by choosing talented like-minded people as associates who reflect the light you’re generating and give something back to you from the light they possess within themselves.


Related Music:

They Make Zombies

Psychic Vampire in Love

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