Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Sonic Weapon of Vladimir Gavreau


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Did you know that sound can be used as a weapon? It's possible when chance encounters with certain sonic frequencies cause strange and damaging physiological reactions.

Scientists have also made attempts to control these same frequencies whose laboratories and staff were harmed in the process.

Even military documents describe the exact nature of the physical and psychological injures a human body undergoes when exposed to weapons designed to test and aim very low end frequencies at targets in the field.

Here's an article that goes into great detail about such reports and experiments.

Here are a few samples from "The Sonic Weapon of Vladimir Gavreau": 

"At a very specific pitch, infrasound explodes matter. At others, infrasound incapacitates and kills. Organisms rupture in its blast. Sea creatures use this power to stun and kill prey."

"Walt Disney and his artists were once made seriously ill when a sound effect, intended for a short cartoon scene, was slowed down several times on a tape machine and amplified through a theater sound system. The original sound source was a soldering iron, whose buzzing 60 cycle tone was lowered five times to 12 cycles. This tone produced a lingering nausea in the crew which lasted for days."

"Physiology seems to remain paralyzed by infrasound. Restoration to normal vitality requires several hours, or even days. Exposure to mild infrasound intensities produces illness, but increased intensities result in death.  Certain subjects continued to cough for half an hour, while many continued the skin-flush manifestation for up to four hours.

Significant visual acuity decrements are noted when humans are exposed to infrasounds between 43 and 73 cycles per second. Intelligibility scores for persons exposed, fall to a low of 77 percent their normal scores. Spatial orientation becomes completely distorted. Muscular coordination and equilibrium falter considerably. Depressed manual dexterity and slurred speech have been noted before individuals blackout. Just before this point, a significant loss in intelligibility is noted."

To read more about sonic weapons click on ...

Related Music:

Death Ray

Attitude Adjuster

Who's Eating You?

Related Article:

Tom Cruise in Minority Report - Sonic Weapons

Breaking Glass with the Human Voice


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1 comment:

  1. My name is Darren M. and I believe I am being targeted with concentrated infrasonic sound waves while I attempt to sleep at night. I believe I am being targeted for D.E.W. (directed energy weapon) experimentation/harassment purposes by an entity within the U.S. government employing private contractors to carry out this experimentation/harassment.

    I am awakened many times throughout my sleep periods to a feeling of vibrations traveling through my body in a straight line. The vibrations are focused in a narrow beam. It is impossible for me to stay asleep when I am targeted with these inaudible concentrated sound waves which increase my pulse rate as they travel through me. Different parts of my body are targeted at different times. When my head is targeted I will awake with moderate to severe headaches. I have also experienced head spins to the point that I had to lift my head up out of a lying down position to make them stop. When my chest area is targeted, I will awake with rapid or irregular heartbeats. In addition, I experience sleep deprivation on a nightly basis due to the repeated forced awakenings. The private contractors that target me hit me every 1-2 hours on average during the first part of my sleep period, and they increase the frequency of their targeting to every 15-30 minutes during the 2nd part of my sleep period. I fear that I will lose my job and become homeless due to the sleep deprivation that this experimentation/harassment has caused me. I also fear that my health will deteriorate.

    I want to make sure that my story is told in the event this experimentation causes my premature death. I also want to make sure that potential future victims do not suffer the way I have from these silent sound wave weapons. I don’t believe anyone can help me because of my failed attempts to provide proof of this experimentation and the apparent disbelief and disinterest of the authorities in the U.S.

    Darren M.
    Email: dewtarget05 AT yahoo DOT com
